المهندس الاستشارى: أسامة كمال
رئيس الجمعيةالمهندس الاستشارى: أسامة محمد كمال عبد الحميد
وزير البترول والثروة المعدنية الاسبق
رقم الموبيل : 00201001437026 عنوان البريدالإلكتروني: Okamal59@gmail.com
المؤهل العلمي : بكالوريوس هندسة كيميائية ونووية - 1982 كلية الهندسة – جامعة القاهرة
سا بقة الخبرات : أكثر من أربعون عاما من الخبرات المتنوعة في ادارة الشركات والمشروعات والموارد في قطاعات البترول والغاز والبتروكيماويات والطاقة ومعالجة المياه والتعدين والبنوك، متضمنة تأسيس وتمويل المشروعات والشركات والهيئات واعادة هيكلة الكيانات. البرامج التدريبية والتكوينية: .1 أساليب االدارة التنفيذية الحديثة – الجامعة االمريكية .2 تنمية وتطوير االعمال واالتفاقيات – البنك الدولي .3 ادارة االزمات والمشروعات – بكتل .4 ادارة االنشاءات – ستون اند ويبستر .5 ادارة الصراعات – بكتل .6 مهارات التفاوض واالقناع – البنك الدولي
الوظيفة الحالية: - رئيس مجلس االدارة – الشركة الهندسية للحلول الذكية - رئيس مجلس االدارة – شركة شمال أفريقيا للتعدين - نائب رئيس مجلس االدارة والمدير التنفيذي - مجموعة كاربون القابضة - نائب رئيس مجلس االدارة والعضو المنتدب – شركة الشرقيون للبتروكيماويات - نائب رئيس مجلس االدارة والعضو المنتدب – الشركة المصرية للهيدروكربون - نائب رئيس مجلس االدارة والعضو المنتدب – شركة التحرير للبتروكيماويات - نائب رئيس مجلس االدارة والعضو المنتدب – شركة كاربون للتنمية الصناعية
مناصب وعضويات حالية وسابقة: .1 رئيس لجنة الطاقة والبيئة – حزب مستقبل وطن .2 رئيس مجلس بحوث البترول والثروة المعدنية – اكاديمية البحث العلمي والتكنولوجيا .3 رئيس مجلس ادارة جمعية المهندسين المصرية .4 رئيس مجلس ادارة جمعية المهندسين الكيميائيين .5 عضو مجلس ادارة شركة سوميد .6 عضو جمعية الهندسة االدارية .7 عضو غرفة التجارة االمريكية .8 عضو غرفة التجارة الكندية 2/2 O.K arabic v. short resume.doc December 2022 .9 رئيس لجنة التنمية المستدامة – نقابة المهندسين .10 رئيس لجنة الطاقة – نقابة المهندسين المصرية - سابقا .11 عضو مجلس امناء جامعة النيل - سابقا .12 عضو مجلس امناء الجامعة االلكترونية- سابقا .13 عضو مجلس ادارة المصرف المتحد -سابقا .14 رئيس مجلس االدارة والعضو المنتدب – شركة موبكو لالسمدة -سابقا .15 رئيس مجلس ادارة شركة ميثانيكس العالمية المصرية - سابقا .16 رئيس مجلس ادارة الشركة المصرية للمنتجات النيتروجينية - سابقا .17 رئيس مجلس ادارة الشركة المصرية القابضة للبتروكيماويات - سابقا
عضويات اندية رياضية واجتماعية: .1 النادي االهلي .2 نادي الرحاب .3 نادي مدينتي .4 نادي الزهور .5 نادي سكاي .6 نادي ليونز الجولف – مصر الجديدة
- Phone: 01001437026
- Email: Okamal59@gmail.com
المهندسة / عزة نور الدين
نائب رئيس مجلس إدارة الجمعية- Phone: 01006052098
- Email: azzaessam@yahoo.com
الاستاذة الدكتورة / منى أمين عبد الفتاح
عضو مجلس ادارة الجمعيةDr.Mona Mohamed Amin
Telephone:01223732428 – 01000407241
e-mail:monamamin7@yahoo.com, and monaamin46@gmail.com
Scopus ID:https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57189660075
Web of Science: https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/N-2625-2018?state=%7B%7D Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=u_qaYX8i_ckC&hl=en EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND 2012 Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, “Study of Dye-house Wastewater Treatment Using Nanofiltration Membranes”. 2004 M.SC in Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, “Assessment of Alternative Solutions of Industrial Wastewater Management in the Textile Industry”. 1998 Diploma in Chemical Engineering, Cairo University, “Industrial Wastewater Treatment Project for Textile Industries”. 1994 B.SC in Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Minia University, Egypt. SKILLS Computer: Hold International Computer Driving License (ICDL) Familiar with AutoCAD, MATLAB and SIMULINK programs Languages: Arabic Mother Language English, Reading, and writing (fluent) CURRENT POSITIONS Current Job Professor National Research Centre (NRC) From 1 May, 2023 Assistant Professor National Research Centre (NRC) From 5 Feb., 2018 Consultant Engineer in the field of “Management of Industrial and Domestic Wastewater” Consultant No. 241/5 From Jan., 2011 Under the Academic Sponsorship of the Association for International Arbitration (AIA) – FIDIC contracts strategies conference and workshop Lecturer in Cairo University and El-Madina High Institute for Engineering. From 2014 - 2015 From 2012 - 2017 2 PREVIOUS POSITIONS Research National Research Centre (NRC) From 2012 - 2018 Research Assistant Technical Office Manager National Research Centre (NRC) Different Companies for Water & WW Management (Sewage & Industrial Wastewater) From 2006 - 2012 From 2004 - 2006 Technical Office Manager EMAS for Water Treatment Systems 17 Syria St. El-Mohandeseen, Giza, Egypt From 2000 - 2004 Industrial WWT Specialist Cairomatech Company 11 Taiseer St., Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt From 1999 - 2000 WW Treatment Specialist Engineering Tasks Group Company (ENTAG) 5 th, Nahda St. Dokki, Giza From 1996 - 1999 Chemical Engineer National Research Centre (NRC) From 1994 - 1996 Scope of Activities 1. Water & Wastewater Treatment Plants Study, Process Design and Supervision, 2. Water Desalination Plants Study, Process Design and Supervision, 3. Membrane Desalination Plants (Seawater & Brackish) Study, Process, Design, and Supervision, 4. Environmental Research & Pollution Control Consultation, 5. Preparation of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Document, 6. Process Development, Chemical Engineering and Plant Design, 7. Feasibility Studies. WORKING EXPERIENCE (Electromechanical Studies) 1. In the period from 2006 to date, many Sewage Wastewater and Industrial Treatment Plants were studied and implemented in different methods i.e. MBBR, SBR, MBR, EG, NF Membranes and others. 2. Sewage Treatment Plant for New Salhiya City, Sharkiya Governorate for size 13,500 m 3 /day, 2004 3. Water Treatment Plant at New Nubariya City for size 25,000 m3 /day, 2004 4. Industrial wastewater treatment plant for P&G factory at 6th October City including Biological Treatment. (Turnkey project) 5. Industrial wastewater treatment plant for Abu Zaabal Chemical factory at Abu Zaabal, Kaloubiya, 2005 6. Industrial wastewater treatment plant for ABB turbochargers factory at Suez channel including Tertiary Treatment. (Turnkey project) 7. Sewage treatment plant for EL Fayrouz tourist village including Tertiary Treatment (Turnkey project) 8. Sewage Treatment Plant of Wadi El Dom Tourist Village at the Red Sea. 9. Pumping Stations & Sewage Treatment Plants including Tertiary Treatment for Meet Badr Halawa, Gaafriya, and Shershaba Villages of El Gharbia Governorate. 10. Sewage treatment plant for EL Tayaran tourist village including Tertiary Treatment (Turnkey project) 11. Sewage treatment plant for Ramatan tourist village including Tertiary Treatment (Turnkey project) 12. Wastewater Treatment Plant for Salsabial tourist village at north coast including Tertiary Treatment. 13. Wastewater Treatment Plant for El-Saloum port including Tertiary Treatment. (Turnkey Project). 3 14. Tender documents, Management Information System (MIS), filling and AutoCAD drafting for phase1 of Designing and Supervising the Establishment and Installation of 15 Municipal Solid Waste Plans for the Ministry of Local Authority in cooperation with the Ministry of Military Production (1998-1999) 15. "Chemically Assisted Primary Treatment. Viability for Wastewater Treatment in Egyptian communities". The project sponsored by the Science and Technology Cooperation Project (Egyptian Academy of Scientific Research, and USAID). (Bench scale & Pilot Plant), Tanta (1996) 16. "Food Industrial Waste Recycling: An overview" Wastes Recycling Workshop”, Academy of Scientific Research & Technology, Egypt 1996 17. Progress and Technical Reports "Septage Co-Composting and Sludge Treatment in Small Egyptian Villages " The project sponsored by Science and Technology Cooperation Project (Egyptian Academy of Scientific Research). 18. Report to the Ministry of Scientific Research, Egypt: “Production of Alternatives for Animal Fodder (Silage) from Waste Materials” (in Arabic), 1996 19. Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant and Treatability study for Halwany Brothers Co. at 10th of Ramadan, 1998 20. Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant and Treatability study for "ROTEX Dying & Finishing Company". Association with ANDCO Environmental Process, Inc. USA, July 1997 21. Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant and Treatability study for 10th of Ramadan Spinning Industry, 22. Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant “Process Design for an Anaerobic WWTP for "NCMP Company”. Association with BIOTHANE Systems International, February 1998 23. Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant for SIMO factory Association with CH2M Hill, 1997 24. Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant for Coca Cola factory Association with CH2M Hill, 1997 25. Treatment of Industrially Contaminated Domestic Wastewater Using Different Strains Immobilized Anaerobic Bacteria, Academy of Scientific Research and Technology. June 1997 26. Food Processing Waste Recycling, 1997 27. Assessment of Fruit, Vegetable and Fish sector in Egypt, 1997 28. Shared in “Wastewater Industrial Treatment” Studies in Sugar Industry El- Hawamdia (1994 - 1995) 29. Shared in Environmental Effect for El-Sakr Gum Industry; Studying in 6th October City (1994 - 1995) 30. Sharing in “Industrial Wastewater Treatment and Efficient Utilization of Water in the Industrial Process” at Misr Beida Dyers Company in (Bench scale & Pilot Plant) The project sponsored by Science and Technology Cooperation Project (Egyptian Academy of Scientific Research, and USAID), Kafer-El-Dawar (1994 - 1995). Team Member in Treatability Studies 1. The National Co. for Maize Products 10th of Ramadan 2. Cadbury for Food Production 10th of Ramadan 3. The Nile Co. for Oil and Soap Production Minia City 4. Ganjary for Meat Production 6 th October 5. El-Mohandis National Co. Ismailia 6. Miser for Food Industry (Chipsy) 6 th October 7. Package Sewage WWT Plant (4 plants) Ramadan Muharibi, 1996 8. El Shehab for Dyeing, Finishing & Gametes 6 th October 9. Heinz for Food Industry 6 th October 10. El Aminy for Dyeing 11. Chemical Development Buildings 12. Cots for Dyeing Thread 4 Researcher and Coordinator for the Following Projects 1. Technologies for Recycling Food Industrial Wastes, Sep. 1995 2. The technology of Recycling Dates Wastes and Residuals, Sep. 1995 3. Overview Wastes Recycling Workshop, Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, Cairo, Egypt. 4. Water purification by using biotechnological methods. Jan. 1996 5. A study on wastewater treatment by using plants and utilization of the Treated water. Feb. 1996 6. National Green Businesses Needs Assessment Study, Feb. 1999 From June 1991 TRAINING in To 30 October 1993 Cooperation Petroleum Institute Company Three Years (1991 - 1993) in During Undergraduate Study (Lubricating Oil) and training in (UV - IR - PLASMA & other equipment for analysis). Educational Activity and Community Service 1. Supervising a PhD thesis at the Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Suez University, under the title: Incorporation of electro-polymerization of nanoparticles into fabrication of highly electrically conductive polymeric materials, starting in September 2022 2. Teaching and supervision of the graduation project “Water Desalination” - Chemical Engineering Department - Cairo University, 2019-2020 3. Supervision the Master Degree of the: “Assessment of Electric Field Effects on Some Surface Characteristics and Performance of Hollow Fiber Membranes for Water Treatment” - Chemical Engineering - Suez University in 2018 and the end of 2020 4. Teaching (part-time) of the "Design of water and wastewater treatment systems" 4 th level of Civil Engineering - El-Madina High Institute for Engineering from 2013 - 2017 5. Teaching (part-time) of the "Water resources and problems" 3 rd level of Civil Engineering - El-Madina High Institute for Engineering from 2013 - 2017 6. Supervision the Master Degree of the: “Regeneration of Fouled Nanofiltration Membrane Used in Dye-house Wastewater Treatment” - Chemical Engineering - Cairo University in 2013 and the end of 2016 7. Teaching and supervision of the graduation projects “Water Desalination” - Chemical Engineering Department - Chemical Engineering - Cairo University, 2011 – 2013 Training Courses (Teaching) 1. Participation in the training course for Leaders of the Next Generation - Academy of Scientific Research in the period from 4-8-2019 to 8-8-2019 at the National Research Center, 2019 2. For 14 Engineers from Petroleum and Petrochemical Companies: for title "Modern methods in the treatment of industrial wastewater in the chemical and petroleum industries" – The Egyptian Society of Engineers, Ramses Street Cairo from 16-20 June 2019 Membership in Different Societies 1. Member of the Board of Directors of the Egyptian Society of Engineers for the session 2022-2026 2. Member of the Board of Directors of the Society of Chemical Engineers (rapporteur of the Conferences and Seminars Committee) for the session from 2022-2026 3. Member of the Board of Directors of the Society of Chemical Engineers (as Public Figures) for the session from 2019-2022 5 4. Member on the Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD), Member ID: 13766 Membership type: full, Date approved: 23 March 2022 5. The Society for Women in Science in Developing Countries – Egypt, 2021 till now 6. International Society for Science and Engineering from March 2019 till now 7. Association Pioneers of Engineering & Technology Community from 2018 till now 8. Egyptian Society and advanced nanotechnology materials from 2013 till now 9. The Egyptian Society for Quality from 2010 till now 10. Association of Chemical Engineers from 2001 till now 11. International Court of Arbitration 2014-2015 12. International Academy of Mediation and Arbitration 2014-2015 13. Brussels AIA membership of the International Arbitration in FIDIC contracts 2015-2017 Projects Research; as a team member (NRC) 1. Co-PI of “New polymers supported with nanoparticles for preparation of conductive materials amenable to emerged applications” project, NRC, E 13020226/2022-2024 2. Member of “Development of selective nanoparticle alumina coating to maximize the benefit of solar heating for water desalination purposes” project, NRC, E 120603/2020-2022 3. Member of “The use of solar energy to cover the electrical loads of the model farm in the Moghara desert” project. Start date: 30/3/2021 4. Member of “Process Development for the production of selected chemicals from Sinai natural ores on a Pilot Plant Scale” project, NRC/ Sinai, 2014-2017 5. Member of “Use of Egypt natural resources for the production of bio-diesel for jet-fuel plants, Science and Technology Development Fund (STDF)” project, 2013-2017 6. Member of “Bio-fuels for diesel and turbine engines from plants oils” project, NRC, 2013-2016 7. Member of “Membrane technology for recovery of dyes and reuse of wastewater in the textile industry” project, ASTF, 2009 Representative of the National Research Center 1. Representative of the National Research Center in the Egyptian Authority for Standardization and Quality in the National Technical Committee No. 1/56 for Innovation Management (TC 279), from 2019 Reviewers and Memberships 1. Editor in Egyptian Journal of Chemistry, 2022 https://ejchem.journals.ekb.eg/journal/editorial.board 2. Editorial Board Membership of Skeena Publishers Engineering, 2021 https://skeenapublishers.com/journals/ 3. Guest Editor in Journal of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering is the “Special Issue” on Green and Sustainable Chemical, Biological and Environmental Sciences, 2019 4. Associate Editor of International Journal of Petrochemical Science and Engineering (IPCSE). Memberships of Med-Crave Group (2475-5559). https://medcraveonline.com/IPCSE/editorial-board 5. Editorial Board of International Journal of Applied Science Engineering and Management (IJASEM), (ISSN: 2454-9940). http://www.ijasem.org/Editorial-Board.php 6. Editorial Board of Petroleum and Environmental Biotechnology Research, REDELVE International Publications LLC. 2019 https://www.redelve.com/#/single-editorial-board/32 6 7. Part-time position at Macro-think Institute as a reviewer of Environmental Management and Sustainable Development (EMSD), (ISSN 2164-7682). http://www.macrothink.org/journal/index.php/emsd/about/editorialTeam 8. A reviewer of AIN SHAMS ENGINEERING JOURNAL, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2018 9. A reviewer of Membrane Water Treatment an International Journal, Techno-press Publishing, 2018 10. A reviewer of Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection GEP; Scientific Research Publishing 11. A reviewer of Journal of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering (JEECE), Science Publishing Group; USA. http://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/journal/peerreviewers?journalid=601, 2020 12. A reviewer of Gavin Publishers; Journal of Archives of Petroleum & Environmental Biotechnology, USA, https://www.gavinpublishers.com/journals/board_members/archives-of-petroleum-environmental-biotechnologyISSN-2574-7614 13. A reviewer of Journal of Environmental Pollution and Management (JEPM), 2019 14. Peer-Reviewed of Water (ISSN 2073-4441) is a journal on water science and technology, including the ecology and management of water resources, and is published MDPI, Switzerland. 2019 15. Peer-Reviewed of Springer Journals "Environmental Science and Pollution Research”, “Environmental Health Science and Engineering” and “Environmental Pollution and Management". 2019-2020 16. Peer-Reviewed of Chemistry Select is a ChemPubSoc Europe journal published by Wiley-VCH. 2019-2020 17. Peer-Reviewed of International Research Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2020 Books 1. Book Chapter entitled: "Water Treatment and Desalination", Book: "Desalination - Challenges and Opportunities", ISBN 978-1-78984-738-3. Published 6 th March 2020, Intech Open – London. https://www.intechopen.com/chapters/71348 2. Book Chapter entitled: "Synthesis of nanomaterials by mechanochemistry", Book: "Handbook of Greener Synthesis of Nanomaterials and Compounds", Published 3rd April 2021 - Elsevier 3. Book Chapter entitled: “Industrial Wastewater Treatment by Membrane Process”, Book: “Membrane Based Hybrid Processes for Industrial Wastewater Treatment”, Published 1st June 2021 – Elsevier 4. Book Chapter entitled: "Technical Aspects of Nanofiltration for Dyes Wastewater Treatment", Book: "Membrane Based Methods for Dye Containing Wastewater”, Published 14th October 2021 - Springer Nature. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-4823-6_2 Publications 1. M. M. Amin, A. I. Hafez, A. F. Shaaban, N. M. Abdel-monem, and M. Hanafy, Removal of Reactive Dyes from Dye-house Effluent Using Nanofiltration Membrane, the Egyptian Society of Chemical Engineers, Vol. 37(1): pp 1-20, 2011 2. Mona A. Abdel-Fatah, H. O. Sherif, and S. I. Hawash; Investigation on Wastewater Treatment of Maize Processing Effluent, International J. of Scientific & Engineering Research, Vol. 6(7): pp 264-268, 2015 3. Mona A. Abdel-Fatah; Ahmed M. Awad; Enas M. Ahmed; and Ahmed T. El-Aref; Comparison of Different Electro-coagulation Processes for Real Wastewater Degradation, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Vol.6(7): pp 1133-1140, 2015 7 4. Mona A. Abdel-Fatah, H. O. Sherif, Fatma Agour, and S. I. Hawash; Textile Wastewater Treatment By Chemical Coagulation Technology, Global Journal of Advanced Engineering Tech and Sci, Vol. 2(12): pp 20-28, 2015 5. Mona A. Abdel-Fatah, Nabila H. Hussien and H. H. Shaarawy; Electrocatalytic Degradation of Acid Blue 113 Azodye via Rh/RhO/Titanium Thermally Activated Modified Electrode, International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 7(10): pp 21191-21197, 2015 6. Ahmed S. Abd El-Hamid, Ahmed H. Eissa, A.M. Abouel-Fotouh and Mona A. Abdel-Fatah; Comparison Study of Different Structures of PID Controllers, Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 11(6): pp 645-652, 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.19026/rjaset.11.2026 7. Ahmed Mohamed Farid Shaaban, Azza Ibrahim Hafez, Mona Amin Abdel-Fatah, Nabil Mahmoud Abdel-Monem, Mohamed Hanafy Mahmoud; Process engineering optimization of nanofiltration unit for the treatment of textile plant effluent in view of solution-diffusion model, Egyptian Journal of Petroleum, Vol. 25(1): pp 79–90, 2016 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejpe.2015.03.018 8. Mona A. Abdel-Fatah, Ayman El-Gendi, Fatma Ashour; Performance Evaluation and Design of RO Desalination Plant: Case Study, Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection, Vol. 4: pp 53-63, 2016 http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/gep.2016.42007 9. Mona A Abdel-Fatah, Marwa M Elsayed, Gh A Al Bazedi; Design of Reverse Osmosis Desalination Plant in Suez City (Case Study). Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, Vol. 3(4): pp 149-156, 2016 10. Mona A Abdel-Fatah, Marwa M Elsayed, Gh A Al Bazedi, S I Hawash; Sewage Water Treatment Plant Using Diffused Air System. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 11(17): pp 10501-10506, 2016 11. Mona A. Abdel-Fatah, Nabila H. Hussein, S. I. Hawash, and H. H. Shaarawy; Investigation of Using Sidr Leave Extracts in Nano-Silver Preparation. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 11(19): pp 11649- 11654, 2016 12. Ghada A.Al Bazedi, Marwa M. El-Sayed, Mona A. Abdel-Fatah; Comparison between Reverse Osmosis Desalination Cost Estimation Trends. Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, Vol. 3(5): pp 56-62, 2016 13. Ghada A.Al Bazedi, Marwa M. El-Sayed, Mona A. Abdel-Fatah; Investigation of Applying NF Membrane for Dye Removal Using Multivariate Regression Model. International Journal of ChemTech Research, Vol. 9(12): pp 899-907, 2016 14. Mona A. Abdel-Fatah, H.O. Sherif, S.I. Hawash; Design parameters for waste effluent treatment unit from beverages production. Ain Shams Engineering Journal, Vol. 8(3): pp 305–310, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.asej.2016.04.008 15. Marwa M. El-Sayed, Ghada A.Al Bazedi, Mona A. Abdel-Fatah; Development of a Novel Hydrogel Adsorbent for Removal of Reactive Dyes from Textile Effluents. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological, and Chemical Sciences, Vol. 8(3): pp 945-955, 2017 16. Mona A. Abdel-Fatah, et.al; Regeneration of Fouled Nanofiltration Membrane Used in Dye-house Wastewater Treatment. Journal of Desalination and Water Purification, Vol. 7: pp 14-22, 2017 17. Mona A. Abdel-Fatah; Nanofiltration Systems and Applications in Wastewater Treatment: Review Article, Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 9 (2018) 3077–3092, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asej.2018.08.001 18. Abdel-Fatah MA, Hafez AI, Gaber AH, Kamal MM. Alternative solutions of industrial wastewater management in the textile industry. International Journal of Petrochemical Science & Engineering, Vol. 4(3):90‒95, 2019. https://doi.org/10.15406/ipcse.2019.04.00108 19. Al Bazedi GA and Abdel-Fatah MA; Hydroxyapatite-Based Materials for Heavy Metal Removal in Wastewater Treatment, Petroleum & Petrochemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 2020, 4(3): 000227 8 https://doi.org/10.23880/ppej-16000227 20. Nourhan A Shawky, Aly Abdallah SM, Mohamed H Sorour, Ahmed M Awad Abouelata, Mona A Abdel-Fatah; Effect of electric potential on the morphology and chemical composition of hollow fiber membrane surface in alkaline medium. International Journal Petrochemical Science Engineering, Vol. 4(3):117‒121, 2019 http://dx.doi.org/10.15406/ipcse.2019.04.00111 21. Nourhan A Shawky, Aly Abdallah SM, Mohamed H Sorour, Ahmed M Awad Abouelata, Mona A Abdel-Fatah; Influence of the electric potential applied on hollow fiber (HF) membrane and surface morphology, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, Vol. 8(3), pp: 1608-1611, September 2019 10.35940/ijrte.C4423.098319 22. Mona A. Abdel-Fatah, S. I. Hawash; Treatment of Wastewater Resulted from Sucrose, Fructose and Starch Production by Aerobic Activated Sludge Process, International Journal Petrochemical Science Engineering, Vol. 3(5):194‒198, 2018 https://doi.org/10.15406/ipcse.2018.03.00095 23. Mona A. Abdel-Fatah, Gh A. Al Bazedi; Chemically Enhanced Primary: Treatment of Wastewater, EJERS, European Journal of Engineering Research and Science, Vol. 4(4): April 2019 http://dx.doi.org/10.24018/ejers.2019.4.4.1252 24. Mona A. Abdel-Fatah, S. I. Hawash, H. H. Shaarawy; Integrated treatment of municipal wastewater using advanced electro-membrane filtration system, SN Applied Science, Springer, (2019) 1: 1153. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-019-1178-9 25. Mona A. Abdel-Fatah, S.I. Hawash, Ashraf Amin; Model of Aeration Tank for Activated Sludge Process, Recent Innovations in Chemical Engineering, Vol. 12(4), Pp: 326 - 337, 2019 10.2174/2405520412666190828210125 26. Mona A. Abdel-Fatah, E. M. H. Khater, A. I. Hafez, A. F. Shaaban; Performance of Fouled NF Membrane as Used For Textile Dyeing Wastewater, Membrane Water Treatment, Techno-Press; Vol. 11(2), pp 111 -121, 2020 https://doi.org/10.12989/mwt.2020.11.2.111 27. Awad Abouelata AM, Abdallah SMA, Sorour MH, Shawky NA, Abdel-Fatah MA. Modification and ionic stimulation of hollow fiber membrane by electric field for water treatment. J Appl Polym Sci. Vol. 37(39), 49190, pp 1 -10, 2020 https://doi.org/10.1002/app.49190 28. Al Bazedi, G.A, Abdel-Fatah, M.A. Correlation between operating parameters and removal efficiency for chemically enhanced primary treatment system of wastewater. Bulletin of the National Research Centre, Springer (2020) 44:107, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1186/s42269-020-00368-y 29. Mona A. Abdel-Fatah, S. I. Hawash, Ahmed Abd El Maguid; Treatment of Meat Processing Wastewater using Coagulation and Sedimentation Techniques, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 15(23): pp 2812–2819, 2020 30. Ashraf Amin, Gh. Al Bazedi, Mona A. Abdel-Fatah; Experimental study and mathematical model of coagulation/sedimentation units for the treatment of food processing wastewater, Ain Shams Engineering Journal. Vol. 12(1): pp 195-203, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asej.2020.08.001 31. Mona A. Abdel-Fatah, Ahmed Abd El Maguid, and Ashraf Amin; Studying the Oxygen Requirement for Aeration Systems in Wastewater Treatment Plants, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 16(9): pp 947-952, 2021 32. Mona A. Abdel-Fatah, S. I. Hawash, and H. H. Shaarawy; Cost-effective Clean Electrochemical Preparation of Ferric Chloride and its Applications, Egyptian Journal of Chemistry, Vol. 64(7): pp 3841 – 3851, 2021 https://doi.org/10.21608/ejchem.2021.75921.3717 9 33. Mona A. Abdel-Fatah, H. Alabd, Marwa M. Elsayed; Efficient Water Treatment of Swimming Pools Using Ozone, Egyptian Journal of Chemistry, Vol. 64)9(, pp 5337-5344 (2021). https://doi.org/10.21608/ejchem.2021.81763.4041 34. H. H. Shaarawy, H.S. Hussein, Mona A. Abdel-Fatah, Nabila H. Hussien, and S. I. Hawash; Electrolytic Generation of Nickel Hydroxide and Nickel Oxide Nanoparticles for Advanced Applications. Egyptian Journal of Chemistry, Vol. 64(10): pp 5903 - 5913 (2021)- https://doi.org/10.21608/ejchem.2021.84356.4129 35. Mona A. Abdel-Fatah*, S. I. Hawash, Ashraf Amin, Gh. Al Bazedi; Feasibility Study on Wastewater Treatment using Chemically Enhanced Primary Treatment, Letters in Applied Nano-Bio-Science, Vol. 11(3): pp 3917 - 3926, 2022 https://doi.org/10.33263/LIANBS113.39173926 36. Hala Hussein, Maha Shaffei, Ahmed Awad, Mona Abdel-Fatah; Electro deposition of nano Cu, Ni and binary Ni/Cu into nano porous AAO layer for high efficiency black spectrally selective coating, Bulletin of the National Research Centre, Springer (2021) 45:198, 2021 https://doi.org/10.1186/s42269-021-00661-4 37. Mona A. Abdel-Fatah, Ashraf Amin, Gh. Al Bazedi; Model and protected design of water piping system to minimize the water hammer effect, Egyptian Journal of Chemistry, Vol. 65(1): pp 717 - 723, 2022 https://doi.org/10.21608/ejchem.2021.89951.4299 38. Gh. Al Bazedi, Ehab Abadir, Mona A. Abdel-Fatah; Treatment of Blue HB Reactive Dyes in Textile Wastewater using Bio-waste based Hydroxyapatite, Egyptian Journal of Chemistry, Vol. 65(5): pp 23-31, 2022 https://doi.org/10.21608/ejchem.2022.115407.5234 39. Wenjie Dong, Xiaorong Gu, Yu Shu1, Dingyi Cao, Jingyi Yu, Mona A. Abdel-Fatah, Hailu Fu, Pulse electrocoagulation combined with a coagulant to remove antimony in wastewater, Journal of Water Process Engineering, Vol 47, June 2022, 102749, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jwpe.2022.102749 40. Hailu Fu, Lingling Zhong, Ziyao Yu, Wenxiang Liu, Mona A. Abdel-Fatah, Jinye Li, Mingzhang, Jie Yu, Wenjie Dong, Sang Soo, Lee; Enhanced adsorptive removal of ammonium on the Na+ /Al3+ enriched natural zeolite, Separation and Purification Technology, Volume 298, 1 October 2022, 121507 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seppur.2022.121507 41. Ebrahiem Esmail Ebrahiem, Riham Adel Mohamed, Mona A. Abdel-Fatah, Novel Electrode Design for Removing CNG Lubricant from Wastewater by Using Electrocoagulation, Egyptian Journal of Chemistry, Vol. 65(8): pp 337-345, 2022 10.21608/ejchem.2022.110047.5014 42. Mona A. Abdel‑Fatah, Gh. Al Bazedi, Ashraf Amin; Optimization of Nickel Catalyst Loading in Ni/γAl2O3 for Producing Carbon Nanotubes through Natural Gas Decomposition, Chemical Papers, Springer Nature, 2023 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11696-023-02737-z Membership Committees in NRC 1. Chairman of the resolution of technical and financial tender envelopes, Ltd. for the supply, installation, and operation of mechanical ventilation units and building preparation western industrial complex integrated Eastern Tobacco Company, 6 th of October City, 2014 2. Quality Committee within the National Research Center for the rehabilitation center to get the ISO 9001 of 2008 in the period from November 4, 2014, until November 10, 2015 3. Committee on Quality Assurance and Accreditation Office, Quality Manager for Chemical Engineering and Pilot Plant Department, Engineering Division, National Research Centre, starting from Nov. 2014 till now 4. Committee on Quality Assurance and Accreditation Office, Quality Manager for Engineering Division, National Research Centre, starting from Dec. 2016 till now 10 5. Committee on Economic Feasibility Studies, National Research Center, starting from June 2016 till now 6. Member of the Projects Committee for the Committee on Scientific, Cultural and International Relations for the Engineering Division - No. 147 on 3-5-2020 7. Chairman of the Technical Committee for Occupational Services, Safety and Health in the Engineering Division - National Research Center - from Feb., 2021 till now 8. Chairman of the Entrepreneurship Committee for the Engineering Research Institute 2023 Participate in the arbitration committees for students in the final year graduation projects at the Faculty of Engineering - Cairo University 2012-2013, With College: 1. Prof. Dr/ Samia Sobhy and Prof. Dr/ Salwa Raafat, Project title: Methanol to Olefins Production (MTO). 2. Prof. Dr/ Fatima Ashour and Dr/ Tamer Samir, Project title: Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) Production. 3. Prof. Dr/ Fatima Ashour and Dr/ Ayat Osama, Project title: Production of Di-methyl Ether (DME). 2015-2016, With College: 4. Prof. Dr/ Mai M. Kamal, Prof. Dr/ Noor Elgendy, and Eng/ Hani Hassan Ghazal, Project title: Solar Energy Powered Water Treatment Plant for a National Agricultural Project. 5. Prof. Dr/ Mai Mohammad Kamal, Dr/ Abdul Wahab Fawzi and Eng/ Hani Hassan Ghazal, Project title: Revamping of Gourde Distillation Unit. 6. Prof. Dr/ Fatima Ashour, Dr/ Ayat Osama Gulab; Project title: Bio-Desulfurization of Petroleum Distillates. 2016-2017, With College: 7. Prof. Dr/ Saher Elmersafy, Prof. Dr/ Fatima Ashour, Dr/ Ahmed S. Eissa; Project title: Middle Distillate Fuel from Kerosene and LVGO. 2017-2018, With College: 8. Prof. Dr/ Ehab Abadir, Prof. Dr/ Hanan El-Sersy, Dr/ Ahmed S. Eissa; Project title: Optimization of Water Desalination using Microalgae under Natural Egyptian Conditions. 9. Prof. Dr/ Ehab Abadir, Prof. Dr/ Fatima Ashour, Dr/ Hassan El-Shimi; Project title: Stabilization of Biodiesel using Natural Antioxidant. 2018-2019, With College: 10. Prof. Dr/ Fatima Ashour, Prof. Dr/ Mai M. Kamal; Project title: Bio Ethanol Production from Potato Peels (I). 11. Prof. Dr/ Ehab Abadir, Dr/ Ahmed Refaat; Project title: Bio Ethanol Production from Potato Peels (II). 12. Prof. Dr/ Fatima Ashour, Prof. Dr/ Osama Ibrahim; Project title: Wastewater Treatment for Misr Chemical Industry. 13. Prof. Dr/ Fatima Ashour, Prof. Dr/ Osama Ibrahim; Project title: Heavy Oil Viscosity Reduction with TiO2 Nanoparticles. 14. Prof. Dr/ Magdi Abadir, Prof. Dr/ Osama Ibrahim; Project title: Methyl Soyate Production 2019-2020, With College: 15. Prof. Dr/ Ehab Abadir, project - Chemical Engineering - Cairo University, 2019-2020 Judging of Blastoff Science Fair, Nile University: (Science and engineering research) June 2022: For Judging the 9 th Blastoff 2022 in areas of Sustainability, and Artificial Intelligence April 2021; 5 projects in the areas of Sustainability, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning April 2019; 9 projects in the areas of environment, water treatment, and desalination. April 2016; 12 projects in the areas of environment, water treatment, and desalination. 11 Judging of Giza exhibition for domestic science and engineering projects GSEF-2016 for School students excelling at Saidia Secondary School, Dec. 2015 April 2015; 14 projects in the fields of environment, water treatment, and desalination. Training of Summer Workouts for the Students • Egyptian Academy of Advanced Engineering - Military Production Authority; from 07/8 to 07/19, 2018 • Faculty of Science, Zagazig University and Ain Shames from 17/7 to 8/10/2016, and 8/2017 • Faculty of Science, Zagazig University from 02-13/8/2015, 16-27/8/2015, and 2-15/9/2015 • Faculty of Science and Engineering, Zagazig University and El-Shorouk from 08/25 to 09/03, 2014 • Faculty of Science and Engineering University of Cairo and Zagazig from 08/24 to 09/07, 2013 Participation and Attendance at Conferences and Workshops, such as: 1. Reviewing of Awareness Business Risk Assessment and Emergency Preparedness According to ISO 31001-2018 for Risk Management System; from 29 Sep. - 1 Oct., 2020 2. Reviewing of Awareness for ISO 45001-2018 for Occupational Health and Safety Management System; from 11- 13 July 2020 3. Attendance of Engineering Export Council of Egypt (EEPI) Seminar on "Governance processes for technology transfer and internationalization" at Pyramisa Nile Suites - Louvre Hall on 11 February 2020. 4. Attendance of the International Events entitled: "Urban Water Security", 15 December 2019 at the National Research Center, organized by NRC (Egypt) and Sanitary Environmental Engineering Department (SEED) of the University of Salerno (Italy), 2019 5. Participating of Surface Science Conference for Measuring the Nano-Scale World, on 3 December 2019, at the Hilton Heliopolis Hotel, Egypt, 2019 6. Organizer Committee and Attendance of The 10th International Conference of The Egyptian Society of Chemical Engineers, "Chemical Process Industries and Economic Development", held in Sky Executive Resort, New Cairo 23-24 November 2019 7. Attending and Participating in the 1st Scientific Meeting of the Arab City for Science, Technology and Scientific Research entitled "A future view of the role of scientific research in achieving sustainable development in the 2030 Strategy" under the title "Innovation and Application" at the Cairo University conference hall, Nov. 12, 2019 8. Attendance of the workshop under the title: Research Quality and Performance, 6 November 2019 at the National Research Center, 2019 9. 33rd Water Treatment Technology Conference 8-10 October 2019, Abu-Qir Fertilizers Co. held in Alexandria at Four Seasons Hotel. 2019 10. First International Conference “AI and Recent IT Technologies Impact for Building Egyptian Knowledge and Innovation Society” Al Masa Hotel - Nasr City, 8-9th September 2019 11. Attendance of the workshop under the title: Digital Manufacturing "Experiences - Challenges" on Wednesday, 28 August 2019 at the Military Production Training Center, 2019 12. Attendance of the 1st International Conference and Workshop For Membrane Technology & its Applications, on Monday, 26 – 27 August 2019, of National Research Centre, 2019 13. Attendance of the 5th National Week for Sustainable Development Beginning on Monday, 17 June 2019, under the slogan: "Sustainable Cities in the Context of Resource Conservation"; Al-Azhar University, Nasr City, University Council Hall, University Administration Building, 2019 12 14. Attendance of the 6th workshop for Occupational Safety and Health and the Safety of the Work Environment, organized by Al-Tabbin Institute for Metallurgical Studies, Pyramisa Hotel, Dokki – Cairo, on 23/4/2019 15. Attendance of workshop for Energy and Water Challenges. Studies and Solutions, at the National Research Centre (NRC) – Mechanical Engineering Department. April 7, 2019 16. Attendance and presentation of the workshop at the Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering - Suez University on April 1, 2019 17. Attendance of workshop for Respects of Technology Development and economics of the production of the Befoul, at the National Research Centre (NRC) - Chemical Engineering Department & Pilot Plant March 19, 2019 18. Attendance of workshop for Solar Energy Applications for Sustainable Development, at the National Research Centre (NRC) - Solar Energy Department. March 18, 2019 19. Attendance of International Workshop (COMSATS) for Water Resources: Expected Crises and Strategies of Predomination at the National Research Centre (NRC). March 11-12, 2019 20. The International Conference on: “Optimizing Green Environment: Water, Soil, Air, Energy Plant, Wastewater Remediation & Reuse” - Sinai and other remote areas, February 11- 14, 2019, Sharm El Sheikh, South Sinai, Egypt, 2019 21. Reviewing of Awareness for ISO 45001/2018 for Occupational Health and Safety Management System; from 27- 29 May 2018 22. National Conference for Investment in Water Technology on 10-11 September 2018, at the Hilton Heliopolis Hotel, Egypt, 2018 23. Organizer committee, Reviewer, Exhibition supervision, and Conference secretary for The Arab International Industrial Conference under the theme “Steps towards Sustainable Innovative Development" on 6-8 May 2018 at NRC, Egypt, 2018 24. Implementing and Reviewing of Awareness and Internal Audit for ISO 17025/2017 for test and calibration laboratories Feb. 2018 25. Implementing and Reviewing of Internal Audit for ISO 14001/2015, Feb. 2018 26. The 1st of Conference entitled "International Standards and Quality of Training" under the auspices of the National Institute of Quality - Ministry of Commerce and Industry, 2017 27. The 19th International Conference on Petroleum, Mineral Resources and Development, the paper titled "Effect of Membrane Fouling on the Performance Characteristics of Nanofiltration Separation Unit" 22-24 February 2016 28. Implementing and Reviewing ISO 14001/2015 and Internal Audit, 2016 29. Implementing and Reviewing ISO 18001/2007 and Internal Audit, 2016 30. Implementing and Reviewing ISO 9001/2015 and Internal Audit, 2015 31. Implementing and Reviewing Total Quality Management System (TQM), May 2015 32. Developing/Implementing and Reviewing ISO 9001/2008 Quality Management System, 2014 33. Implementing and Reviewing ISO 9001/2008 and Internal Audit, 2014 34. Chemical Safety and Security Officer Train the Trainer (TOT) Workshop, NRC and Sandia National Laboratories, 7-11/12/2014 35. The first forum for water desalination in Egypt, Strategies, and opportunities on April 9, 2014; Center of Studies and Technology desalination Alexandria University ADST participation lecture on the nano-scale membranes and industrial water treatment, 2014 36. Waste Management and Sustainable Development, Cairo University, 5-6/03/2013 13 37. Chemical Safety and Security for Engineers in Cairo University and Sandia National Laboratories, USA, 19- 23/05/2013 38. Participating on an adviser to Arab and international arbitration program in the international arbitration of investment disputes and contracts for intellectual property, 3-7/12/2013 39. Water Desalination Conference in the Arab region - future prospects under the supervision of the Arab Union for Sustainable Development and the Environment, 05.26.2013 40. Occupational Health and Safety Management System software applications in factories and companies, 41. Sixth International Conference on Quality "Quality and strategic change" in 2010 42. Innovative Treatment Technologies for Water, Wastewater, Sludge, and Other Contaminated Waters. 43. Promotion and Focusing of Current Research Activities of Membrane Technology in Water Treatment in the Mediterranean Region, 2007 44. Civil Defense Course at the National Center for Research, (5 days) 2007 45. Providing scientific foundations course at the National Center for Research, (5 days) 2007 46. Basic of a scientific writing course at the National Center for Research, (5 days) 2007 47. Alternative Solutions of Industrial Wastewater Management in the Textile Industry, Conf. of Membrane Technology in Water Treatment in the Mediterranean Region, 2007 Some Training Courses Obtained 1. Process Capability Analysis, 2020 2. Knowledge Management according to international standard ISO 30401-2018, 2019 3. Logistics and Supply Chain Management, 2019 4. Seven Quality Tools, 2019 5. Risk Assessment, 2019 6. Re-engineering Management, 2019 7. Strategic Thinking, 2019 8. Marking conformity to European security and safety requirements - CE Marking, 2019 9. Keys of Performance Indicators (KPI’s), 2018 10. The Concept of Excellence for Institutional Performance, 2018 11. Lean 6 Sigma, 2018 12. Risk Management (Risk Planning Relationship), 2018 13. Business Continuity Management System (BCMS) according to ISO 22301/2012, 2018 14. Occupational Health and Safety Management System according to the standard ISO 45001/2018, 2018 15. The energy management system according to the standard ISO 50001, 2018 16. The Japanese Concept of 5S for Improving the Work Environment, 2017 17. Quality Assurance in Project Management, 2016 18. Role of Quality on Plastic Packing Development, 2016 19. Business Continuity Management System (BCMS) according to ISO 22301/2012 Requirements, 2016 20. Management from the Strategic Perspective, 2016 21. Risk-based Thinking Model for ISO 9001/ISO 14001:2015, 2016 22. Economic Impact of Activating Community Responsibility ISO 26000, 2016 23. Total Quality Management in Occupational Safety and Health, 2016 24. The journey of institutional excellence by applying to the European discrimination model EFQM, 2016 14 25. An Overview on the ISOFDIS 9001:2015, 2015 26. An Overview on the ISO14001:2015, 2015 27. Strategic Planning, 2015 28. Managing strategic performance quality using a balanced performance card, 2015 29. Awareness of standards institutional performance according to the European EFQM, 2015 30. Quality Assurance of Contract Phases, 2015 31. What's the Problem, 2015 32. Applying ISO 9001/2015 Principles by Lean Thinking, Dec. 2014 33. An overview of the ISO DIS 9001/2015 - December 2014 34. Time management and planning - October 2014 35. Environmental management system requirements of ISO 14001/2004 - August 2014 36. Root Cause Analysis - June 2014 37. Awareness of the management of IT services ISO 20000:2011, 2014 38. Social Responsibility ISO 26000, 2014 39. Six Sigma, 2013 40. Business Plan, 2013 41. Monitoring and Measuring Customer Service, 2013 42. Security and confidentiality of information in accordance with a standard is ISO 27001:2012, 2013 43. Administration to Supply Chain Management - 25/9/2012 44. System administration to power in accordance with a standard is ISO 50001/2011 - 29/5/2012 45. Quality in health care - 27/03/2012 46. Occupational Health and Safety Management System applications in factories and companies, 2012 47. Integrated System (ISO 9001 - 14001 - OHSAS 18001) - 27/12/2011 48. Leadership and performance excellence - 25/10/2011 49. Environmental harmonization of factories - 09/27/2011 50. Crisis management - 07/26/2011 51. Performance Indicators - 03/29/2011 52. Lean Healthcare - 26/1/2011 53. Change Management - 30/11/2010 54. Lean Management - 28/12/2010, and 55. Others. Specialized training courses, including 1. Digital Citizen course in the library of the National Research Center in the period from March 2021 2. Intellectual property course (WIPO) from April to 2021 3. The United Nations: Nature-based Solutions for Disaster and Climate Resilience Course in November 2021 4. Entrepreneurship Weekend 15-17 January 2023 5. Design Thinking Bootcamp 25-29 December 2022
- Phone: 01000407241
- Email: monaamin46@gmail.com
الاستاذ الدكتور / سعيد النشائى
عضو مجلس ادارة الجمعية- Phone: 01111109947
- Email: sselnashaie@gmail.com
المهندس / حازم صقر
عضو مجلس ادارة الجمعيةالمهندس: حازم عبد الغفار عبد الفتاح صقر
عضو مجلس الادارة المؤهــــل العلمـي : بكالريوس هندسة , الكلية الفنية العسكرية (2007) . دبلومة الهندسة الكيميائية – جامعة القاهرة (2016) . الوظيفــة الحاليـة : رئيس لجنة مراقبة وضمان الجودة بشركة هليوبوليس للصناعات الكيماوية . رئيس لجنة مراقبة وضمان الجودة بشركة أبي قير للصناعات الهندسية .
الخبـــرة العمليــة : 14 سنة خبرة في مجال التعامل مع المفرقعات .
رقـم الموبايــــــل : 01023444566 البريد الإلكتروني : hazem.sakr85@yahoo.com
Name: Hazem Abd El-Ghaffar Abd El-Fattah Sakr Education: B.sc in chemical engineering (Military Technical Collage , 2007) . Diploma in chemical engineering (Cairo University , 2016) .
Job Title: Quality Assurance Representative (Heliopolis Company for Chemical
Industries - Abu Qir Company for Engineering Industries) .
Work Experience: 14 years of experience in field of dealing with explosives . Mobile no.: 01023444566 Email: hazem.sakr85@yahoo.com
- Phone: 01023444566
- Email: hazem.sakr85@yahoo.com
الاستاذ الكتور / محمد نادر اسماعيل
عضو مجلس ادارة الجمعيةProf. Dr. Mohammed Nader Ismail Date of Birth : Oct. 2nd 1951 Nationality : Egyptian Academic Rank : Professor General Field : Chemical engineering Present Specific Field : Chemistry and Technology of Polymers Mailing Address : Polymers and Pigments Department, Chemical Industries Research Institute, National Research Centre, Dokki, Cairo 12622, Egypt. E- Mail Address : nader_51@hotmail.com naderdiab2003@yahoo.com Phones : (Mobil) 0100 5185027, Office: 0233355146 Academic Qualifications: Ph.D. Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt, 1984. M.Sc. Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt, 1980. B.Sc. Chemical Engineering, Military Technical College, Cairo, Egypt,1974.
Research Activities: 1. Chemistry & Technology of Polymers. 2. Composite Materials. 3. Physico-mechanical Properties of Polymeric Materials. 4. Recycling of Rubber Waste. 5. Recycling of Plastics. Courses Taught:
1. Chemistry and Technology of Polymers.
2. Physical Testing of Polymers 3. Polymer Processing 4. Petrochemical Technology 5. Industrial Waste Treatment. 6. Chemistry for Engineering. 7. Environmental studies. Employment: 2/10/2011 – To - date emeritus Professor, Polymers & Pigments Department, National Research Centre, Dokki, Giza, Egypt. 1/9/2016 – 31/8/2019 Dean of High Institute for Engineering & Technology, Al-Obour. 1/9/2012 – 31/8/2013 Vice Dean of High Institute for Engineering & Technology, Al-Obour. 29/11/2010 – 1/10/2011 Vice Head of chemical industries research Division, National Research Centre. 28/2/2001 – 1/10/2011 Professor at Polymers & Pigments department, National Research Centre, Dokki, Giza, Egypt. 16/8/2001 – 31/7/2008 Professor of Chemical Engineering at Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. 30/1/1996 – 27/2/2001 Associate professor at Polymers & Pigments Department, National Research Centre, Dokki, Giza, Egypt. 16/1/1991 – 29/1/1996 Researcher at Polymers & Pigments Department, National Research Centre, Dokki, Giza, Egypt. 1/1/1986 – 30/6/1990 Head of Chemistry Department, Military Academy, Cairo, Egypt. 1/8/1982 – 31/12/1985 Head of Design & Development, 99 Military Factory, Helwan, Cairo, Egypt. 16/6/1974 – 31/7/1982 Researcher at Military Technical Center, Cairo, Egypt.
Honors & Awards: State Prize in Engineering Sciences, 1999.
Certificate of Merit given by Syndicate of Engineering, 1984.
Professional Experience:
1. Consultant Engineer in the field of polymer technology from
15/7/1990 to date.
2. Supervision for 27 theses (25 Ph.D.s & 45 M.Sc.s).
3. Publication of 102 papers in international journals.
4. Reviewer for many national & international journals in the field of
polymer science & technology.
5. Member of the research committee for 10 research projects in polymer
6. Participating in 32 conferences of polymer science and technology.
Scientific Societies:
1. The Egyptian Society of Engineers / The Society of Chemical
2. Syndicate of Engineering.
3. The Egyptian Society of Polymer Science and Technology.
- Phone: 0100 5185027
- Email: nader_51@hotmail.com
الاستاذ الدكتور / مصطفى هدهود
أمين عام الجمعيةالاسم : مصطفى كامل عبدالباسط مصطفى هدهود المؤهل: بكالوريوس هندسه كيماويه الكليه الفنيه العسكريه 8691 دكتوراه الهندسه الكيماويه جامعة برنوتشيكوسلوفاكيا 8699 الوظيفه : محافظ البحيرة األسبق الخبره العلميه و العمليه 45: عاما من العمل فى مجاالت التدريس الجامعى واالشراف على رسائل الدكتوراه والماجيستير بالجامعات المصرية والبحوث العلمية التطبيقية فى الصناعات الحربية والمدنية وإدارة الشركات والمصانع فى قطاعات الصناعات الكيماوية والزراعية والتعدين والصناعات الدوائية رقم الموبايل : 6606800819010
mkhadhoud@hotmail.com : االلكترونى البريد
Name : Mostafa kamel Abdelbaset Mostafa Hadhoud
Education : and graduation
Work experience : 54 years of diversed experience in the university education,
supervising for phd and Msc students in Egyptian universities, experience in
applied scientific applied research in the military and civil industries, management
and administration of project and organisation in the fields of petrochemical,solar
energy military companies
Mobile no : +20122186982
Mail: mkhadhoud@hotmail.com
- Phone: 01222186982
- Email: m.hadhoud@sche-eg.org
الدكتور المهندس / تامر محمد هيكل
أمين صندوق الجمعية- Phone: 01000050414
- Email: tamerheakal@gmail.com