Author : Mohamed Khattaby Facilities Engineer BG Egypt
Co- author : Adel Abou El-Azm Production Planning Section Head Rashpetco
Adsorption is widely used in Gas Dehydration. Recently, new
technology has been applied by using a new type of silica gel adsorbent for
both gas dehydration and hydrocarbon dew pointing. A study to evaluate the
different methods of hydrocarbon dew pointing was performed by Enppi and
proved that the use of adsorption process with a new type of silica gel has
significant cost benefits over the life of field.
In Egypt, this new technology has been used in the Rosetta gas plant,
which was designed for 302 MMSCFD (275 + 10%). The plant has been
operational for about 4 years and experience demonstrated that the new type of
silica gel has high performance, excellent reliability and low operating cost.
Following these good results, the plant has been tested up to 380 MMSCFD
and again the adsorbent proved its high performance and efficiency