• 2023-06-04
  • Magdy Yousry
  • 0

تفاصيل الحدث

Advantages and disadvantages of applying Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) Concept

Eng. Riham Hamdan


Email: Rihamhamdan@enppi.com





Continuous growth of population, expansion of industry and infrastructures resulted in accelerated depletion of the natural water supplies and created water stress regions around the world.


Moreover, with more and more stringent environmental regulations being enforced, waste water discharge is becoming a real concern.


It is a must to apply new concepts in water management to overcome water scarcity and find new disposal alternatives to comply with the more stringent discharge regulations.


Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) is a new concept in waste water treatment that totally eliminates waste water discharge to water bodies. Evaporation and crystallization technologies are essential steps in any ZLD application. These steps involve expensive technologies and energy intensive processes. Accordingly any good process design shall consider a high recovery pretreatment process to recover (and reuse) as much as possible of the wastewater, prior to commencing the evaporation and crystallization of a concentrated wastewater feed.


Egyptian Ethylene and Derivatives Company (ETHYDCO) is building a Utility Plant to provide its Ethylene and Derivatives Complex with different utilities Such as Demin water, cooling water, potable and utility water, air…etc.

Cooling water demand is 32000 m3/hr which requires about 3000 m3/hr as makeup water. This enormous amount of water is not available and hence the need for water recycle/reuse is necessary.

Coupled with compliance with stringent Egyptian Environmental laws lead to use ZLD concept.


This presentation explores ZLD advantages/disadvantages through reviewing the utility plant consumptions with and without applying the ZLD

Advantages and disadvantages of applying Zero Liquid Discharge

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