An oil refinery normally uses large quantities of water, for cooling
and other process purpose. This water is treated from contaminants and
finally returned to a lake or sea, outside the refinery.
Amerya Petroleum Refining Company (APRC) uses conventional
and special treatment methods for wastewater to remove all pollutants and
to reduce the oil content in refinery final effluent water to a limit of 10
ppm , as the maximum permissible limit for environmental protection as
designated by the Egyptian Act No. 4 for the year 1994 . About 80% of oil
in wastewater is separated by API (American Petroleum Institute)
separator method and returned to refinery. Small oil droplets, emulsion
and suspended matter escaped from API separator but were removed
successfully in the dissolved air flotation (DAF) with chemical additives
as the secondary treatment stage for wastewater. The flotation method
with chemical additives and filtration were used to reduce the suspended
solids and oil content to permissible levels (10 ppm)
Control And Prevention Of Wastewater Pollution From Amerya P