Quick Contact
- azzaessam@yahoo.com
- 01006052098
المهندسة / عزة نور الدين
Professional Skills
Experience & Activities
EDUCATION : B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering, July 1978, Cairo University.
M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering (Mass Transfer and Axial Mixing
in Tower Fermenter), July 1982, Cairo University.
EMAL ADRESS : azzaessam@yahoo.com
35 years of experience in the field of the Oil, Gas Process and Petrochemicals Industries in Enppi
“Engineering for the petroleum and process industries including 4 years in EPC “Egyptian Petrochemical
company .
From February 2017 till present:
– Senior Consultant & Partner for NOUR CONSULTING Company , LA , USA
– Chemical Engineering Department & Petroleum and petrochemical credits, Faculty of
Engineering, Cairo University. “Special course in industrial application for under graduate
students” (Upon request).
– Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Green
Environment Master “Special course for MSC graduate student”. (Upon request).
– Mining studies and Research Center, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University
“Special course for MSC graduate students “(Upon request).
– Associate Member of the Society of Chemical Engineers.
From 2007 till August 2016:
Process Technology Division Manager ”PTDM” responsible for guide and manage the overall
performance of the Division to ensure the achievement of the Division / Company objectives and
participate in the company strategic planning activities including company business plan.
Responsible for the overall planning, direction, coordination and efficient operation of the process
departments’ activities, including projects deliverables review and approval to achieve the objectives of
the Division and participate in managing the overall performance of the division to ensure the achievement
of the Division / Company objectives.
Special Projects Assignments within the main Management Activities as “PTDM “
Supervisor and Responsible for Invitation to Bids and Licensors Technical Evaluation and FEED review
for “ASORC” Naphtha Complex Including NHT, Isomerization, and Reforming with CCR units using
AXENS technology
Supervisor and Responsible for early work basic Engineering completion split of work of Styrene project
under TECHNIP scope of work using BADGER technology
Responsible for Invitation to Bids and Licensors Technical Evaluation and selection of “ESTYERNICS”
Styrene project technology
Supervisor and Responsible and lead for EPC of “ESTYERNICS”, Polystyrene Project.
Supervisor and Responsible and lead for FEED review for “ESTYERNICS” Polystyrene project using
INEOS technology
Supervisor and Responsible for review of the technical process configuration studies that had been done
by BECTEL and UOP to select the optimum schemes for vacuum residue downstream process conversion
units to produce the maximum diesel product yield for AMOC and ASORC Petroleum companies.
From 2004 till 2007
Process Assistant General Manager, and supervision for Refining and Petrochemical Engineering
Supervision, direction, coordination and efficient operation of the Division / Department activities,
including project deliverables review and approval to achieve the objectives of the department.
Supervisor and Responsible for Invitation to Bids and Licensors Technical Evaluation and selection for
“ESTYERNICS” Polystyrene project Technology
From 2000 till 2004:
Refining and Petrochemical Engineering Dept. Manager
Responsible for the overall planning, direction, coordination and efficient operation of the department
activities, including refining and petrochemical projects deliverables review and approval to achieve
the objectives of the department.
Supervisor and responsible for PMC for technical review of “PPC” Propane Dehydrogenation and
Poly Propylene Project
Supervisor and Responsible and lead for Invitation to Bids and FEED review for “AMERYIA”,
Salfonal Benzene Extraction unit and Linear Alkyl Benzene project using UOP technology and
responsible of EPC for the project as working under “GS&E “ company as they acting as an EPC
consortium leader of the project .
1- Participates in the company strategic planning activities including company business plan.
2- Establishes & maintains the division policies, objectives & procedures needed in order to achieve
overall company objectives.
3- Defines & groups the activities of the division to effectively accomplish the work assigned to the
4- Develops & maintains technical staff adequate to carry out the assigned work through the
employment of persons with adequate technical education & experience.
5- Develop & updates systems, procedures &standard controlling the operations of the division to
improve performance & keep abreast of the latest technical practices.
6- Maintains & develops the technical competence of the division through the use of engineering,
technical guides, proper selection, training & development of personnel.
7- Approves the projects scope of work supervises the development of work plans for projects
execution and follow up work plans implementation.
8- Reviews workload forecasts, manpower planning & assignment of personnel to projects and
determines the requirements for requirements for recruitment of personnel.
9- Prepares the division budget for approval, and directs the use of the budget as approved.
10- Maintains appropriate records for continual evaluation of division strength and efficiency.
11- Prepares division career development plans to achieve personnel training & upgrading programs.
12- Interviews prospective employees & prepares interviewer reports including recommendations
13- Directs the division in the preparation of proposals & estimates efforts. This includes the review
& approval of professional services estimates proposed division work schedules.
14- Monitors the performance of the all departments within the division
15- Controls performance of the division by regular reviews of work accomplished, including
schedule conformance, comparison of man-hour expenditures with work performed& budgets
&conformance of engineering & presentation quality with accepted good engineering
practice.Intiates corrective measures, if needed including reassignment of personnel & scheduling
of overtime.
16- Participates in business development activities on division & corporate levels.
17- Prepares ensures the full implementation of & maintains the company manuals procedures
department work instructions& design guides in accordance with the requirements of the company
quality Environmental & Health&Safetty Management systems.
18- Establishes & ensures the awareness & implementation of the quality control programs & quality
Assurance procedures for the division activities within the frame work of the overall Company
Quality Management System.
19- Ensures the full awareness & implementation of the applicable requirements of the Company
Quality, Environmental &Health &Safety Management systems.
1- Defines the authority & responsibility of the key personnel within the division who are concerned
with reviewing, verification & validation of the project work.
2- Maintains control over performance of the division personnel, keeps close contact with project
managers & other divisions to meet job schedules & flow of information & takes corrective action
when necessary.
3- Approves the weekly time cards & authorizes /approves the overtime requisitions of the division.
In addition to approve & coordinate all personnel vacations, casual leave request.
4- Approves travel requisitions & vouchers for division personnel.
5- Approves the annual performance appraisal report of division personnel prepared by department
managers, section heads/direct supervisors in accordance with the company standard system.
6- Follows- up the recruitment of personnel according to the manpower plan.
7- Deals with in coordination with other divisions all the admintrative & accounting problems related
to the division or its personnel.
Act as a Process Lead Engineer on the following projects:
– GUPCO, M.8 Gas Lift Rehabilitation.
– Bapetco, Bed-3 Integrated Development. ‘Gas Processing facilities “
– SUCO, Zeit BAY Additional LP Compressor Train.
– ALEX, Spent Oil Re refining Project, Invitation to Bids and Licensors Technical Evaluation.
– ALEX, Spent Oil Re refining Basic Engineering Review.
– SIDPEC, Ethylene Project, Invitation to Bids and Licensors Technical Evaluation.
– SIDPEC, Polyethylene Project Invitation to Bids.
– SIDPEC , Ethylene Basic Engineering Review using LUMMUS Technology
– GUPCO, Trans Gulf SANAI Gas Compression Station.
– SIDPEC Polyethylene Basic Engineering Review using INNOVEE Technology
– Tishrin/Mahardi Upgrade Project Proposal.
– GPC. Ras Bakr, Crude Treatment Plant.
Act as a Process System Engineer for the following Projects:
– SINAI, Associated Gas Processing Expansion, Phase II, General Contractors Technical Evaluation and
engineering review.
– GPC, Abu Sannan Production Facilities (T & Y Area).
– GPC, Abu Sannan Condensate Recovery Unit ( X area)
– Bed-1 Gas Source Facility.
– NPC, Suez Refinery Expansion.
– Geisum Oil Expansion.
– Bapetco, Bed-3 Integrated Development.
– ESSO, East Zeit Gas Sweetening Unit.
FROM 1980 TO 1985
She was joined Egyptian Petrochemical Company and was assigned for the following studies and projects:
– Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pre-and detailed feasibility studies.
– Low & High Density Polyethylene (LDPE & HDPE) pre-and Detailed Feasibility Studies.
– Vinyl Chloride Monomer (VCM) Feasibility Study.
– Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Project, Licensors Technical Evaluation.
– Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Project, General Contractors Technical Evaluation for Detailed Engineering
FROM 1979 TO 1980
She was joined petroleum research institute as a researcher in the process development department in the
field of Lube Oil Treating/Petrochemicals and Petro protein studies.
Liquid phase axial mixing in a bubble column bioreactor containing yeast suspensions. European journal
of Applied Microbiology – Biotechnology (April 1985).
Oxygen mass transfer in a bubble column bioreactor. European Journal of Applied Microbiology
Biotechnology (April 1984).